Sunday, September 11, 2011

Atlantica TBS - Reclaiming Alishan

General Information

Name: Reclaiming Alishan
Level: 115
Mobs: Swords, Axe, Guns
Boss: Aparentrly Sword
Regard: Alishan Great Shaman's Loot x 6. Alishan great shaman's loot contains 10 Gold Coins, or some random items like: Jewels, Equipment Box Divine and Nix, and Mysterial Vial of what ever.

Strategy Map
This just like Alishan in Ruins, is simple, there is only 1 way to walk, there is only 1 way to get the boss, the only thing you should have in mind to success, is to know where the mines are.
Yellow squars are trap and there is only 1 net trap (yellow and red squar), and is the one in front the boss, the others are fire traps.

Step by Step

Basically, you must go with you best Long, and of course you need Seth on your Catapult.
The land has many curves, so.. is easy to protect your catapult and attack at the same time, and is easy to stop the mobs.

In the strategy map you see 4 squars, those are the groups of mobs, there are 2 mines for each group.

As i told you before, there is a net trap in front the boss, the boss is inside a room with 4 entry, so.. is easy to kill her, because u just to put your best melee merc in front the entry, and start to kill her with your longs and catapults, and if she wants to go out for another side, just go the the other side and that's it.

Don't forget to comment and rate my post :P
See ya!


angerfind said...

The Shaman Returns? I would love a guide to see if the Alishan 120 TBS is soloable.

angerfind said...

Excellent guide by the way!

Deand said...

Actually already tried the new 120... heheheh but... is to hard for me :D
in the first mobs rush they killed all my formation so... i go back to 115 and started to make a lot a money :P